Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, Imran Khan along with his wife Bushra Bibi signs surety bonds for bail in various cases, at a registrar’s office in the Lahore High Court, in Lahore on July 17, 2023. — AFP

ISLAMABAD: A district and sessions court in Islamabad Thursday rejected the…

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, Imran Khan along with his wife Bushra Bibi signs surety bonds for bail in various cases, at a registrar’s office in the Lahore High Court, in Lahore on July 17, 2023. — AFP

ISLAMABAD: A district and sessions court in Islamabad Thursday rejected the…

 Pakistan’s former Prime Minister, Imran Khan along with his wife Bushra Bibi signs surety bonds for bail in various cases, at a registrar’s office in the Lahore High Court, in Lahore on July 17, 2023. — AFPISLAMABAD: A district and sessions court in Islamabad Thursday rejected the…  GEO NEWS – Pakistan
