Legendary actress Saira Banu is reportedly facing a significant health challenge. According to recent reports, the 80-year-old star, who was diagnosed with pneumonia in October 2024, has developed two clots in her calf. This new health issue has added to her ongoing struggles following the passing of her beloved husband, legendary actor Dilip Kumar, in 2021.
Health Condition and Struggles
Saira Banu’s recent health update comes from an Instagram post by Vickey Lalwani, a known industry personality. It has been reported that while the actress is able to move around her home, she does so with difficulty due to the presence of these clots. The situation marks another chapter in her ongoing health challenges, which have been particularly tough in the wake of her husband’s death.
Emotional Tribute to Dilip Kumar
Amid these health concerns, Saira Banu has also shared an emotional tribute to Dilip Kumar on their wedding anniversary. Recalling their unforgettable wedding 58 years ago, she described the day as chaotic but filled with love. In a heartfelt Instagram post, she shared nostalgic photos from their life together, ending with a poignant image of herself resting in a hospital bed.
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Saira also reflected on the emotional toll of losing Dilip Kumar, saying that the three years without his physical presence have been incredibly difficult. She recalled the recent time she spent in the hospital, where she found herself in the same room where her husband had once recovered. This connection provided her with comfort and strength, reinforcing the deep and enduring bond they shared.Also Read: Saira Banu pens a heartfelt note for late Dilip Kumar on their 58th wedding anniversary: “Even in his absence, he continues to give me strength”