An undated photograph of the Foreign Office in Islamabad. — Radio Pakistan/FileFO spokesperson says Jammu and Kashmir “disputed territory”.”As per UNSC, territory’s fate to be decided through plebiscite”.Indian claims over Kashmir totally unfounded, misplaced, she says.


An undated photograph of the Foreign Office in Islamabad. — Radio Pakistan/FileFO spokesperson says Jammu and Kashmir “disputed territory”.”As per UNSC, territory’s fate to be decided through plebiscite”.Indian claims over Kashmir totally unfounded, misplaced, she says.


 An undated photograph of the Foreign Office in Islamabad. — Radio Pakistan/FileFO spokesperson says Jammu and Kashmir “disputed territory”.”As per UNSC, territory’s fate to be decided through plebiscite”.Indian claims over Kashmir totally unfounded, misplaced, she says.Foreign…  GEO NEWS – Pakistan
