Start living a better life today A step towards your wellness

The greatest wealth is health – Virgil. Powerful right? Not under any condition devalue the
 power of words. Words can change the world. Thus the question arises, what one can do to
 maintain his health? Well, have no fear for I got you!

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My whole mood depends on how I start my day. This is my personal experience that if I
 wake up to something negative, no matter how hard I try to be optimistic, my day will
 eventually end up bad. Similarly, if your day starts mindfully, you are more likely to stay
 energetic the whole day.
Having a routine really affects your health. I understood the importance of following a
 routine while I was unemployed. I was skipping meals, waking up late, was sleep deprived
 duh! My health deteriorated. Now that I have a job again, I am following my same morning
 routine regularly. And you should too.
Be an early bird

Let’s talk about developing a habit of waking up early. Not a morning person? It’s never too
 late to take a new start. I know it will take some time but if you try hard, you can achieve it
Start making a habit of using an alarm clock. Keep your schedule regular and automatically
 within a week, your body will allow you to wake up at the same time. Isn’t it awesome?

You don’t have to eat less, you just have to eat right

Good diet is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. But here we take it as a second best
 step because it’s all about timing, right! Eat breakfast that fills you up. Cooked oatmeal
 topped with almonds or dried cranberries, maybe a slice of peanut butter along with a
 smoothie of fruit or plain yogurt? Sounding delicious!

Eat in portions. Fill half of your plate with raw vegetables or beans and the other half with
 high-protein foods. Consume as much water as you can instead of sugary drinks. Don’t
 forget to chow down a bowl full of tasty fruits. Ahhh, get in my belly!
Turn fat into FIT!

How do you feel about exercising in the morning? Are you telling me you want to lose
 weight but you don’t want to work out? I get it! When it comes to exercise you either love
 it or completely hate the idea.  Believe me I don’t have to tell you the benefits of exercising,
 you already know. But I insist on taking at least 15-20 minutes out of your busy schedule to
 work out or go for a walk maybe. You will notice a drastic change in your body and soul.

More smiling, less worrying
Indeed, stress can affect your body or I would rather say, stress and over thinking is slow
 death. If by taking stress one could solve his problems, the whole damn world would start
 overthinking and stressing out. It sounds funny but lies within bitter truth. If you’re not
 happy what is the purpose of life? Do what you feel like doing. Live your life to the fullest
 and remember, you can’t get what you always want.
Life is good!

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People often prefer having a sorted lifestyle but neglect little things that can actually help you
 in providing inner peace. Become a positive being. Help people. Build stronger
 relationships. Meet new people. Switch to healthier habits. I have surrounded myself with
 people who bring only positivity in my life. Delete negative people from your life and be
 with more encouraging people. Share you energy!
Wasted? So is your life

Alcohol and health!
 Let’s add tobacco as well. Alcohol causes a very sensitive damage to your brain and can
 cause dementia which is shrinkage of brain, in simple words, your brain dies before you die.
 Both tobacco and alcohol can lead you to depression as well. Moderate amount of alcohol
 is suggested which is somehow linked to some benefits. I find tobacco more additive then
 alcohol. The lesser your use, the better it is.

Turn fat into FIT!

We talked about how to build a better routine but don’t you think we are missing something
 really important? Any guesses? Yes, you got it right! No matter if you’re waking up early or
 taking a good diet.Turn fat into FIT!, taking proper 8-9 hours of sleep is extremely
 important. Nothing good happens after midnight. We’ll have to agree.

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A research shows, 1/3rd of a person’s life is spent sleeping. I was recommended to sleep at
 around 10:00 PM and wake up sharp at 5:30 AM. I did try following this routine and trust
 me I felt like I was becoming younger day by day instead of maturing. My skin eventually
 became better. I could manage my schedule really well.

Add meaning to your living. Implement the above simple techniques and start living a
 healthy life today. “Someone else is dreaming about the things you take for granted.”

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